Element index for package InternetAccessLog
[ a ]
[ c ]
[ d ]
[ e ]
[ f ]
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[ i ]
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[ u ]
[ _ ]
- __construct
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::__construct()
Constructor. For creating an instance we need to pass all the parameters for the MongoDB database where the data will be stored (user, password, host & database name).
- __construct
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::__construct()
Constructor. For creating an instance we need to pass all the parameters for the MongoDB database where the data will be stored (user, password, host & database name). The fifth parameter tells if the insertions will we made in safe mode or not (by default they are NOT safe)
- __destruct
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::__destruct()
Destructor. Close the open connection to MySQL database
- __destruct
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::__destruct()
Destructor. Close the open connection to MongoDB database
- addFakeUser
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::addFakeUser()
This function add a user to the table passed as second argument. If not collection done then the user will be added to Random_UsersList.
- addFakeUser
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::addFakeUser()
This function add a fake user to the collection passed as second argument. If not collection done then the user will be added to Random_UsersList.
- createDomains
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::createDomains()
Save random domains in MongoDB The parameter are the number of domains to create and to booleans: if we want an unique index to be created for the domain (default is TRUE) and if we want that the domain is unique (default TRUE).
- createDomains
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::createDomains()
Save random domains in MySQL.
- createIPs
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::createIPs()
Save random IPs in MongoDB The parameters are the number of IPs to create and to booleans: if we want an unique index to be created for the ip (default is TRUE) and if we want that the ip is unique (default TRUE).
- createIPs
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::createIPs()
Save random IPs in MySQL.
- createRandomNonFTPLogEntryCSV
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::createRandomNonFTPLogEntryCSV()
Writes the first line (title) of a CSV file for non ftp log entry (NonFTP_Access_log.csv under CSV directory by default). If it exist it will be truncated. Returns the file handle
- createURIs
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::createURIs()
Save random URIs in MySQL.
- createUsers
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::createUsers()
Save random users in MySQL.
- createUsers
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::createUsers()
Save random users in MongoDB.
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, class constant MySQLRandomElements::DATA_RNDDOMAINSC_NAME
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, class constant MySQLRandomElements::DATA_RNDIPSC_NAME
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, class constant MySQLRandomElements::DATA_RNDURISC_NAME
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, class constant MySQLRandomElements::DATA_RNDUSERSC_NAME
Default names for random data collections
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, class constant MongoRandomElements::DEFAULT_DB
Constants for default connection values
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, class constant MySQLRandomElements::DEFAULT_DB
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, class constant MongoRandomElements::DEFAULT_HOST
Constants for default connection values
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, class constant MySQLRandomElements::DEFAULT_HOST
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, class constant MongoRandomElements::DEFAULT_PASSWORD
Constants for default connection values
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, class constant MySQLRandomElements::DEFAULT_PASSWORD
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, class constant MongoRandomElements::DEFAULT_SAFEMODE
Constants for default connection values
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, class constant MongoRandomElements::DEFAULT_USER
Constants for default connection values
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, class constant MySQLRandomElements::DEFAULT_USER
Constants for default connection values
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, class constant MongoRandomElements::DOMAINS_REPORT_PREFIX
Default prefixes for monthly reports
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, class constant MySQLRandomElements::DOMAINS_REPORT_PREFIX
- dropTable
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::dropTable()
This function deletes a table if it exists in MySQL. If the table does not exists returns false (and does nothing)
- dropTableNonFTPLogEntry
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::dropTableNonFTPLogEntry()
This function deletes the table used for saving NonFTP logs. If the table does not exists returns false (and does nothing)
- existUser
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::existUser()
This function verifies if the user exists in the collection passed as second argument. If not collection done then the user will be added to Random_UsersList.
- existUser
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::existUser()
This function verifies if the user exists in the collection passed as second argument. If not collection done then the user will be added to Random_UsersList.
- exportDomainsToCSV
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::exportDomainsToCSV()
Export domains table in CSV format saving it in path passed as parameter (Domains.csv under CSV directory by default)
- exportIPsToCSV
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::exportIPsToCSV()
Export ip's table in CSV format saving it in path passed as parameter (IPs.csv under CSV directory by default)
- exportURIsToCSV
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::exportURIsToCSV()
Export URIs table in CSV format saving it in path passed as parameter (URIs.csv under CSV directory by default)
- exportUsersToCSV
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::exportUsersToCSV()
Export user table in CSV format saving it in path passed as parameter (Users.csv under CSV directory by default)
- generateReports
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::generateReports()
Reads ALL logs entries fron both collections NonFTP and FTP and saves reports entries for users and domains
- getDB
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::getDB()
Gets the connection to MySQL
- getDB
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::getDB()
Get the connection created to the database (the db, not the server)
- getDomainCollectedData
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::getDomainCollectedData()
This function returns the domain data from the reports for a year and month specified. If there is no data returns null
- getDomainCollectedData
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::getDomainCollectedData()
This function returns the domain data from the reports for a year and month specified. If there is no data returns null
- getDomainCollection
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::getDomainCollection()
Get a link to the domains collection
- getDomainFromID
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::getDomainFromID()
This function returns the domain searching by the id. If the domain does not exist null is returner
- getDomainFromID
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::getDomainFromID()
This function returns the domain searching by the id. If the domain does not exist null is returner
- getDomainNumber
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::getDomainNumber()
This function queries the database to return the domains number (records in Random_DomainsList)
- getDomainNumber
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::getDomainNumber()
This function queries the database to return the domains number (records in Random_DomainsList)
- getOne
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::getOne()
Sends a query to the database and returns the first field of the first row. If no rows are got null is returned
- getOne
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::getOne()
Sends an aggregation array of commands to the database and returns the field '_id' of the first document. If no documents are got null is returned
- getRandomDate
- in file RandomElements.class.php, method RandomElements::getRandomDate()
Return a random date between the two dates passes as parameters. Parameters and return value are English textual datetime descriptions 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
- getRandomDomain
- in file RandomElements.class.php, method RandomElements::getRandomDomain()
Returns a random Internet domain (a www followed by a random string ended by a valid internet
- getRandomFTPLogEntry
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::getRandomFTPLogEntry()
Return a random log entry for FTP access. It is very similar to HTTP and tunnel access but with less fields (there is no protocol and return code)
- getRandomFTPLogEntry
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::getRandomFTPLogEntry()
Return a random log entry for FTP access. It is very similar to HTTP and tunnel access but with less fields (there is no protocol and return code)
- getRandomFTPMethod
- in file RandomElements.class.php, method RandomElements::getRandomFTPMethod()
Returns a semi random HTTP method (90% will be RETR)
- getRandomHTTPMethod
- in file RandomElements.class.php, method RandomElements::getRandomHTTPMethod()
Returns a semi random HTTP method (90% will be GET)
- getRandomIP
- in file RandomElements.class.php, method RandomElements::getRandomIP()
Returns a random IP (string with 4 numbers between 0 and 255). No check for validity is made
- getRandomNonFTPLogEntry
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::getRandomNonFTPLogEntry()
Return a random log entry for non FTP access (http and tunnel)
- getRandomNonFTPLogEntry
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::getRandomNonFTPLogEntry()
Return a random log entry for non FTP access (http and tunnel)
- getRandomProtocol
- in file RandomElements.class.php, method RandomElements::getRandomProtocol()
Returns a random protocol (90% will be http)
- getRandomRetourCode
- in file RandomElements.class.php, method RandomElements::getRandomRetourCode()
Returns a semirandom return code (90% are 200 return code)
- getRandomSize
- in file RandomElements.class.php, method RandomElements::getRandomSize()
Return a random size between 0 and 50K
- getRandomString
- in file RandomElements.class.php, method RandomElements::getRandomString()
Returns a random string of the length demanded (10 characters by default)
- getRandomUser
- in file RandomElements.class.php, method RandomElements::getRandomUser()
Returns a random user, composed of one letter and 6 numbers
- getResults
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::getResults()
Sends a query to the database and returns the results. If no rows are got null is returned
- getResults
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::getResults()
Sends an aggregation array of commands to the database and returns the results (array of documents). If no documents are got null is returned
- getRow
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::getRow()
Sends a query to the database and returns the first row as an associative array. If no rows are got null is returned
- getRow
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::getRow()
Sends an aggregation array of commands to the database and returns the first document. If no documents are got null is returned
- getUserCollectedData
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::getUserCollectedData()
This function returns the user data from the raports for a year and month specified. If there is no data returns null
- getUserCollectedData
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::getUserCollectedData()
This function returns the user data from the reports for a year and month specified. If there is no data returns null
- getUserCollection
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::getUserCollection()
Get a link to the users collection
- getUserFromID
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::getUserFromID()
This function returns the username searching by the id. If the user does not exist null is returner
- getUserFromID
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::getUserFromID()
This function returns the username searching by the id
- getUserNumber
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::getUserNumber()
This function queries the database to return the users number (records in Random_UsersList)
- getUserNumber
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::getUserNumber()
This function queries the database to return the users number (records in Random_UsersList)
- MongoRandomElements
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, class MongoRandomElements
This class is used to generate random elements (users, IP's and URL's) and save them into MongoDB
- MongoRandomElements.class.php
- procedural page MongoRandomElements.class.php
- MySQLRandomElements
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, class MySQLRandomElements
This class is used to generate random elements (users, IP's and URL's) and save them into MySQL
- MySQLRandomElements.class.php
- procedural page MySQLRandomElements.class.php
- randomDomains_exists
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::randomDomains_exists()
Returns true if the random domains collection has at least one domain
- randomDomains_exists
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::randomDomains_exists()
Returns true if the "Random_DomainsList" table has records
- RandomElements
- in file RandomElements.class.php, class RandomElements
This class is used to generate random elements (users, IP's and URL's) to make tests (populate tables in MySQL or collections in MongoDB)
- RandomElements.class.php
- procedural page RandomElements.class.php
- randomIPs_exists
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::randomIPs_exists()
Returns true if the "Random_IPsList" table has records
- randomIPs_exists
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::randomIPs_exists()
Returns true if the IPs collection has at least one IP
- randomUsers_exists
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::randomUsers_exists()
Returns true if the random users collection has at least one user
- randomUser_exists
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::randomUser_exists()
Returns true if the "Random_UsersList" table has records
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, class constant MongoRandomElements::RNDDOMAINSC_NAME
Default names for random data collections
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, class constant MongoRandomElements::RNDIPSC_NAME
Default names for random data collections
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, class constant MongoRandomElements::RNDUSERSC_NAME
Default names for random data collections
- saveRandomFTPLogEntry
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::saveRandomFTPLogEntry()
Receives a FTP log entry and saves the data and, optionally, monthly and daily precalculated values in database.
- saveRandomFTPLogEntry
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::saveRandomFTPLogEntry()
Receives a FTP log entry and saves the data and, optionally, monthly and daily precalculated values in database.
- saveRandomNonFTPLogEntry
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::saveRandomNonFTPLogEntry()
Receives a log entry and saves the data and, optionally, monthly and daily precalculated values in database.
- saveRandomNonFTPLogEntry
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::saveRandomNonFTPLogEntry()
Receives a log entry and saves the data and, optionally, monthly and daily precalculated values in database.
- saveRandomNonFTPLogEntryToCSV
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::saveRandomNonFTPLogEntryToCSV()
Adds the non ftp log entry passed as parameter to a CSV file (NonFTP_Access_log.csv under CSV directory by default).
- saveRandomNonFTPLogEntry_fromCSV
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::saveRandomNonFTPLogEntry_fromCSV()
Gets a line with a log entry in CSV format and saves the data and, optionally, monthly and daily precalculated values in database.
- searchDomain
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::searchDomain()
Returns a random domain
- searchDomain
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::searchDomain()
Returns a random domain
- searchFTPMethod
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::searchFTPMethod()
Returns a random FTP method from the generated collection
- searchFTPMethod
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::searchFTPMethod()
Returns a random FTP method from the generated collection
- searchHTTPMethod
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::searchHTTPMethod()
Returns a random HTTP method from the generated collection
- searchHTTPMethod
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::searchHTTPMethod()
Returns a random HTTP method from the generated collection
- searchIP
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::searchIP()
Returns a random IP from the generated collection
- searchIP
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::searchIP()
Returns a random IP from the generated collection
- searchProtocol
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::searchProtocol()
Returns a random protocol
- searchProtocol
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::searchProtocol()
Returns a random protocol
- searchReturnCode
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::searchReturnCode()
Returns a random return code
- searchReturnCode
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::searchReturnCode()
Returns a random return code
- searchSize
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::searchSize()
Returns a random size
- searchSize
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::searchSize()
Returns a random size
- searchURI
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::searchURI()
Returns a random URI
- searchURI
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::searchURI()
Returns a random URI
- searchUser
- in file MySQLRandomElements.class.php, method MySQLRandomElements::searchUser()
Returns a random user from the generated collection
- searchUser
- in file MongoRandomElements.class.php, method MongoRandomElements::searchUser()
Returns a random user from the generated collection